
Born into slavery but blessed with the rarity of only one owner, Ziggy served his human master Branir for a long period of time. However, even though Branir was by far a better slaver than most, Ziggy longed for his freedom. His chance came upon making the acquaintance of Mischief and Trixie… and the plan began to form in his head.

A very smart tabby anthro, it was Ziggy who organized the most successful slave rebellion in human history. By the end of the rebellion, over two dozen slaving families had died, and well over three hundred human and anthro slaves had escaped to the more-accommodating lands to the north.

It was after their escape that he fell in love with Melissa, an anthro raccoon friend of Mischief’s that had escaped with them. Two years after their escape they were wed, and the four of them travel together happily.

The leader of the foursome and naturally strong and quick, Ziggy balances his abilities between defending the group and thievery. Woe be the one on the receiving end of his throwing knives…

"Official" illustrations

Please note: His armour is hardened leather, not, repeat NOT metal.


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